Tuesday 20 September 2011

Viral Marketing in Social Media

!±8± Viral Marketing in Social Media

Viral marketing in social media FINAL

It took 38 years for radio to reach 50 million listeners.

Pre-cable TV to reach 50 million users in 13 years ..

The Internet has taken four years to reach 50 million people ...

In less than nine months, Facebook has added 100 million users.

To get started for less than $ 1000 a viral marketing campaign with the opportunity to reach thousands, even millions, quickly and almost effortlessly.

Take for example theBlendtec Company, a producer and mixer in the kitchen, the place called a series of videos on YouTube of "Will It Blend?" You experience our curiosity and sense of black humor, golf balls Blendtec blended an iPhone, and even a bag of marbles. It 'was fascinating to see an iPhone is to see hot black powder and shredded plastic is reduced. Within a short time Blendtec registered 8 million visitors, while sales increased by over 800%. We do not like things to be destroyed?

Burger Kingsuit launched an interactive video on its website with a micro-man like a chicken. Jumped in the status bar, you can add a command and the chicken-man, run, dance and play dead. You get the picture. People loved, creativity and fun sense of control. Within 24 hours the site had 1 million visits and by the end of the week eight million. Not bad for a human chicken.

Down in Orlando Florida, Universal Studios has launched a new attraction for the Harry Potter series.Instead of using expensive advertising through mass media, together with Universal-up to give the author JK Rowling, Maven, a special webinar on the first seven Harry Potter fans. Then the seven maven fans shared their information on blogs and forums with great energy and enthusiasm. The media picked it up and ran with the story. Determine, in the meantime, Universal Setup a microsite for bloggers and media to give more information on the new park attraction. Within a few weeks, this viralMarketing tactics to spread the news of seven persons for more than 300 million €. Of course it helps if you have a home of faithful fans of Harry Potter.

TRUST: democratization Content: We are moving from push-advertising migration, and users have better access, participation and control is based on trust.

Over the past decade, both the media and information technology have been a traditional environment push advertising (TV and newspaper ads) to migrateinteractive (pull) content with interactive advertising. The days of dominance advertiser is contained in a process of democratization, with quality content, interact, and converted Rated divides. The democratic process allows control of the consumer and a major influence on products and services to recommend to their peers. At the end is to build trust between the buyer and the seller. It builds loyalty and repeat business confidence. Trust is the glue that cements the relationshipand interactive participation by the process of communication and collaboration. There is nothing more powerful and reliable than a recommendation from a good friend.

With a combination of imagination and creativity, you can use viral marketing tactics social media channels to capture the attention of millions of people. Of course, get their attention is only half the battle. The other half will be more difficult. The real challenge is to convert their attentionSale or a call to action, and efforts to obtain consent for a longer period. This is what separates the amateurs from the pros. As my mother used to tell me, "you get what you pay for."


Social Media Web 2.0 is simply the ability to hold conversations with people from a variety of communication tools and community. By nature, human race, and we try to entertain and like-minded people together with others.

According to the 2009 ConeNew media consumption study, 62% of users believe they can influence business decisions by delivering opinions on new media channels. About a quarter have contributed their views on a topic (24%) or contact the company directly (23%). 74% expect their companies to discuss social responsibility practices to include events on new media. MediaPost January 22, 2010

Use social media platforms, the collective wisdom of the community, working together on a specificCreate objective, the increase in sales, content, access to customer feedback, maintain a community, you strengthen your marketing message, and to develop peer relationships between customers producer-distributor-dealer-partners. Typically, the social media conversation uncontrolled, unorganized, still on track with the message. Web 2.0 has been thrown into a democracy with a little 'anarchy use the information

The power of Web 2.0 allows the individual, their distributionConversation or word of mouth in various formats, images, video, text and audio. Individuals to their social networking sites like Facebook mean, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, MetaCafe, Socialtext, and a variety of other platforms. The most popular social network activities ranging from publishing to multimedia messages, upload and download music, videos and pictures. These tools enable community and sharing photos, video, community, blogs, forums, articles, news, entertainment, news,and exercises. They also allow citizens to use their collective intelligence of online projects. The power of these tools is the ability to share, create, and the product of one-to-many, quickly, effortlessly and seamlessly. Good news may travel fast, but with even greater anxiety, bad news can travel at the speed of light.

Scaling Up Viral Marketing

Scaling up your viral marketing campaign requires an environment of easy access and cooperation. Ross Mayfield, founder ofSocialtext, the concept of the word "power law of participation". In it he describes the social media portals, should be easily accessible to read, and share content. The intention is, productivity and creativity of the participants in their collective wisdom, share knowledge and accelerate the use of intelligence. It 'a well known fact that the wisdom of the tribe, the wisdom beyond the individual.

In the book by James Surowiecki, The wisdom of crowds: Why the manyThey are smarter than the few, the author explains that the collective decisions of the group over the individual and offers the added dimension of social Internet sites need a variety of ideas. It can be easy, said that the world is our country. We see this today on Wikipedia, where to create a community of people together and shared their knowledge base.

The new paradigm of social media marketing is to embrace the democracy of knowledge, respect the intelligence of your audience and leavethem the opportunity to participate and to go viral and ideas to enhance the creation of a collective intelligence, creativity and productivity. Here are some tips to grease the skids for your viral campaign into a higher labor force participation should be generated.

Making the content available free of charge and easy to share

- Create multiple points of contact for others to contact you: website, blogs, micro sites, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, SharePoint, Socialtext, and mobile applications.

- Engage and cultivateconversations of consumers with the goal to close the loop to control the behavior for a purchase, buy, and ultimately, encourage them to make recommendations.

- People want to understand and recognize. Support and encourage comments and recommendations section.

- The emotions move us to action. Make it personal. Stories draw and retention of high and stock prices.

- Building a community of like-minded people can afford more influence to changeEvents political, economic or social. For example, the presidential elections in 2008, a milestone in the viral marketing in social media.

Viral Marketing

It is the passion that motivates people to share something new. Think of your passion in politics, sports, religion, food, or movie stars. If something sparks your emotions, to share immediately.

Viral marketing is a (word of mouth) fast and almost effortless to spread the idea ofOne-to-many through the use of Internet tools and communication of a million people. Think of a behavior of tribal communication, thinking gossip, like people, when they have the power with specific messages that you want to think with their friends and try to influence actions. Virus will spread a message quickly if the idea is realized quickly and the person feels entitled to send to other people. The best messages viral load of the person emotionally stimulating the desire for happiness, greed,Anger, hate and other passions. Posts emotionally moved rapidly polarized. Neutral emotions going anywhere.

For viral marketing to work, and the tools to put the public, the spread of receiving them. As already mentioned, the development of Web 2.0 offered great performance, intelligence, word of mouth, and the provision of relevant information in real time. Today, the Web 2.0 formats to provide more content quickly, seamlessly and without effort,that is, e-mail, video, photos, audio and text messages.

Emotional and behavioral disorders DRIVER

Excellent viral marketing will seek common emotional trigger points, to motivate a person into action. Invite people to like the feeling of exclusivity and power to their friends in the club. It makes them feel cold, as if I were one of the people. Other common points can trigger emotional happiness, humor, anger, envy, pride or greed.

Be started, for example, when EA Gamesthe next-generation soccer game called FIFA in 2006 brought them from fraudsters Team Ryouko Toronto Mixed Martial Arts incredible stunts and acrobatics to create the video display. With a combination of traditional marketing and viral video leaked to the fans selected EA in Europe has reached a success rate peak of 1.5 million fans.

Social activity and the underlying emotions that drive them are a means to an end, the tools that lead to the logic of survival. The state, leadership,Power, aggression, affiliation, reciprocal altruism, cooperation, exchange of knowledge, goods, pair bonding, and even they are all part of the social environment, the working group at the same time, help to survive the final.

Based on this powerful is a disk connected to what is perceived. People feel a strong need to combine with others to make their world, to share not feel lost in a sea of ​​infinite possibilities and mutual benefits. Even if the subconscious motivationSurvival of the socially-conscious emotions.

In the attempt, the anticipate people to take the guesswork emotions, we can now understand behavioral targeting and predicting user behavior and buying patterns. One possibility is that the Internet software cookies are stored on the user's computer to monitor their behavior on web pages to identify their unique tastes and interests. Cookie is as if someone put a single number. You can analyze where and by whom. You canTrace, if online advertising is served, and improve the feedback and the relationship you have. The information gathered is then used to segment the audience, advertisers are reasonable decisions on where to buy advertising space to allow you to create. AOL offers well as advertising and behavioral targeting a variety of services to effectively target your group with precision and the methodology behind it. Another favorite is that AudienceSciencemethodically global audience, divided into many types of segments.

What does not work? Social media is like having a coffee with some of your friends in your kitchen. When a man enters and announces his big furniture store sales in its invasive and annoying. No one wants it. Early in the history of Facebook is that advertisers have, until you understand the nuances of their target. Advertisers have found that Facebook users rarely click through ads, but happyparticipated in events, communities and causes. Now it's just a fan of Coca Cola or a gangster Mafia Wars has become.

Other than direct marketing, where you can predict a certain response rate of 1-3%, viral marketing can be hit or miss. On the positive side, a viral marketing campaign to be carried out economically. On the downside, you need to use different types and levels can be in a campaign. You may also need to sow the mainstream media to attack the virus messages.

The common elements ofWork to produce a viral marketing campaign are the following:

- Set to send the content seamlessly and easily transferred or

- The content is based on existing Internet and telecommunications infrastructure

- Products or services are free

- The content is emotionally charged: the polarized messages to motivate people into action

- The contents of some people can easily scale to millions

Create Your Own Viral Marketing

To be successful in using social media and viralMarketing tactics requires the same discipline, like all marketing efforts.

- Good planning and goal

- Win a commitment for the duration and patience to gain traction campaign

- Sufficient resources dedicated to obtain conversations and offer a quality service.

- Be genuine, transparent and honest. The ultimate goal is to develop a lasting trust and loyalty.

- Make your points of contact intuitive, easy to reach, and minimallyRestrictions.

Build your social media viral marketing campaign requires four main segments.

1 Start with the right planning, messaging, targets and budgets.

2 Create a story to fly with wings.

3 Select channels of media to spread your story.

4 Measure and monitor the user's attention and participation.

STEP 1 - PLANNING, objectives, TARGET

- Know and understand the needs and desires of the target audience - are eachsegments on the actual behavior of web-based applications.

- If your product requires consideration for the purchase, then determine the amount of your prospects do some research on the Internet today.

- Identify your competitors. Determine which sites your target audience has recently visited and what attracts their interest.

- If you are going to advertise on other sites, then determine which links have already converted to leads from your adsCategory.

- Determine which social media sites to attract your best prospects and understand their behavior.

- Determine the health of your brand and reputation by voting in the relevant blogs, micro blogs and forums.

- Run on your site A / B testing to measure the messaging and conversion ratio.

- Monitoring and measurement of the conversation view in the chain of communication via e-mail, live chat, tips and call centers. You must be strong interactiveMarketing of software tools, such as Open to me, Eloqua, HubSpot and Omniture.

- Close the loop of conversations with your visitors by encouraging them to complete a product review or recommendation.

- What are your goals?

- Selling something

- Building awareness

- Capture their attention

- Engage in their conversion

- Call to Action

- Loyalty

PHASE 2 - build a story with ALI

All good viral marketing campaign requires a history of emotionalThis is original or sticky. The video is by far the fastest and easiest tool to spread a story that sticks. In addition, a sustained campaign of various layers of components needed to go forward. Influence with the billboard, the user will be three to five seconds ago, to get your message into action. All elements of the viral campaign should these attributes.

- Good story - You are a storyteller. Stories paint pictures and evoke emotions. Good stories arenoted, original, and asked him to be used together.

- When the story begins with serialized stories, Crash, and are preparing behind the scenes blog. Keep putting the logs on the fire.

- Make sure you have a comment box. Watching him closely. Sharing emotions is acceptable, but to change offensive language and insults.

- Your goal is to engage in discussions and, finally, a call to action to achieve your goals.

- Keep the conversation in person, for exampledo not place barriers between the stars and the public. People want to connect directly to the artists and rock musicians.

- Emotional - There must be an emotional appeal. The more polarized the emotion, the greater chance of viral infection.

- ORIGINAL-not be expected. Be original and creative. Fascinate. Make them laugh. To make you cry. You can tell them - wow?

- Relevant-The story must be relevant to your target audience. Football fans are fascinatedThe display shows a cheat per team.

- The ALI-giving wings to fly, the message was designed to be portable, scalable and shared.

- DYNAMIC-is necessary to develop momentum and sustainability. This requires multiple points of entry to the post, as (videos, blogs, television, print, quality content and tie-in) for the experience. One success story is the demand for a sequel, behind the scenes, Bloopers production and interviews.

- CATCHY-you have to take one, is thatThe hook and its people will be rewarded at the end. Ask yourself what in it for me? It 's funny? Does provide good information?

Two's and Don'ts

- Please do not force your e-mail viral marketing to the front

- Please do not use advertising clear if they are not particularly intelligent, funny or entertaining.

STEP 3 - Distribution channels

A successful viral campaign in several phases and components. 2006-7 Microsoft has launched a 10 monthsFive-step marketing campaign for Halo 3 in order to attract new players and build brand awareness. First step was an ad on a Monday night football played with an attention to the revival of the game Halo. The display reaches 8 million households and 3.7 million viewers, if you put them on YouTube. The display can be activated Phase two players invited to beta testers, has acquired 850,000 users. The third step was a treasure hunt with a combination of online sitesand traditional media. Step four was a co-sponsorship with the major fast-food and beverage companies. Step Five Finally a return has been impressive history re-enactment of the battle action scenes. Overall, the campaign has sold 3 million copies in its first week.

Be sustainable for a viral campaign stages, components and channels to build awareness is to capture, engage and transform the public wants. Of course, sales channels, which are determined by, The research target group transactions, and socialized. You can start your target audience or a group of scientists at the Digital Research Science.

Use of Facebook

Today, Facebook is the fastest growing social media platform and an ideal base from which to launch a viral marketing campaign. In 2010, Pepsi announced that it will advertise at the Super Bowl. Rather, they will invest their advertising with social media platforms. Unlike the one-way thrust of television advertising,Facebook and other forms of social media to capture the audience, engage in a conversation, maintain the relationship, turning them into sales, retain their loyalty to monitor and shepherds of their word-of-mouth, and the measurement of rates Peer approval without restraint.

Facebook stats for the start of 2010

- Now there are 350 + million users

- 50% lead updated daily

- Less than 1 / 3 are college students

- 30% of users are only present inUSA

- The fastest growing segment is more than 35 years

Viral Marketing In Facebook

The first prize is launched on Facebook to create your company profile and Facebook page. Of course, you want all the portals connect to each other tics, site, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Facebook has great tools to identify and target the audience is up to the granular level and local level. Use it. Similar to strains that Facebook users with like-minded interestsgravitate to the stories and events. Keep your content with good quality. Want to be authentic and interactive.

Facebook requires dedication, creativity and interactivity. To compete for attention, it must constantly be a steady stream of content, promotions, events and communication.

As a company, you must define who you are on the market. What is your brand and personality? Their purpose is not to sell, but to inform and share knowledge. TacitlyFacebook users accept you and your fans

Engaging Facebook users require a two-way and interactive. Feed them a good story or video to determine if the key "LIKE" is clicked. Encourage them to leave a comment. Increase your level of trust with you, try to convert their shares with special offers and discounts in connection with a website or a purchase.

Your fans on Facebook to participate in competitions and promotions. Make him do things to sharePhotos or video. Let me share all the fun and discovery.

STEP 4 - to manage and measure the user's attention

It's called lack of attention of consumers. Some call it "attention economy", where he developed a market for services to arrange so that consumers receive in exchange for their attention. If you want the attention of consumers, then think "what are the benefits?" News feeds are a prime example, where a steady stream of newsin return, that their advertising. The end of the game, is a "call to action" at the prompt consumers. Because you can never ask directly for a sale, you need a steady stream of relevant news, entertainment, knowledge or tools. Using behavioral targeting tools, you will be able to direct his prospects as a call to action.

Getting the attention of the consumer requires three important properties:

- Score - the information is relevant to your targetPublic

- Channel Sales - Channel information about appropriate social media channels where the target audience is

- APPROVALS - Engage your customers to be your trusted reference Sneak preview webinars, assessments, suggestions and recommendations.

Once you have won the attention required to manage, evaluate and respond. Today there are many solutions to manage and measure your interactive marketing. These solutions manage theto determine the lifecycle of a customer commitment for the ROI of the campaign, and the lifetime value of customers. They are also trying to manage the factor of consideration. Before the consumer makes a purchase you will peer review and product recommendations. After the customer makes a purchase, experience the product and form their own opinion, so it will cycle back to read the comments for new consumers. Some of these companies are Open toEloqua, HubSpot, Omniture, on the 80/20 Its goal is to find the most profitable customers and to understand the process in order to achieve these results by.

MEASURING customer life cycle

According to the 2009 Cone Media Study new consumer, consumers have the information, the interested parties to inform their buying decisions. Respondents said they want companies to tell them what and how they are made (85%) and additional information about information, labels andRequests together in line (for example in the shop on the packaging, advertising material) (83%). MediaPost January 22, 2010

The life cycle of acquiring and retaining customers has a predictable flow. Phase 1 begins with the creation of awareness for the product / service through the use of marketing channels and campaigns. Phase two is the inclusion of the product of peer review, tips, and other social media tools. Begins after the purchase of the product, the real hard workto ensure that customer expectations are met and have a satisfying experience. Phase 3 is the training and exchange of consumer experience with the product. There are usually three types of customers to be. (1) immensely satisfied and ready to share their experiences, (2) satisfied and pleased to share customer without passion, and (3) of the dissatisfied customers, which is the world from their terrible experience to say the way in which the balance in your life again SearchRetaliation.

As we can see from the figure, are word-of-mouth recommendations back to being considered for the next customer. It 'so important that these words of mouth advertising, ensuring a good experience, observation of results and respond immediately to limit the damage.

If we can measure, then we can manage. As the campaign reaches the audience you are trying to measure some key variables to ensure that the message reachesthe right audience, you have captured their attention they engaged in an interactive process for the purchase price, they walk in the sale, and, finally, offers the experience to guide and share their positive opinion. As such, it is looking at ways to measure the variables, guided traffic, right-click behavior, conversion rates, and source of visitors.


In general, we are afraid of things that we do not understand. As a marketing and advertisingProfessionals, if you embrace the idea of ​​democracy and participation in the exchange of content to our audience, we can use the huge increase in the collective wisdom and loyalty of our fans. When building a company, acquiring new customers is expensive and useless to have a hole in the bucket when you drain all the time. Embracing the power of Web 2.0, viral marketing, supply, and with traditional media platforms to give you a complete set of tools for a wide audience, to reach theare more interested in a relationship with your company. By increasing the ease of customer access and participation can be found to be in the position of a loyal fan base that can build and deliver a steady stream of profitable revenue. Since many entrepreneurs have discovered, first taking care of your customers, your profits can be made.

Viral Marketing in Social Media

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